1. Please check the availability of the ad space prior to making the payments.
2. Availability are on “First Come First Served Basis” against Payment completion.
3. All Prices are in INR and are Exclusive of applicable 18% GST. The same will be charged additionally.
4. Please transfer the advertisement booking amount to the following account:
5. Please book your Ad space Using the Link : https://forms.gle/cErfD6aYzRgCq9LY9
6. All printing themes will be in IFC/ IFEX Themes.
7. The High resolution Art-work, Logo, Text Matter, Videos etc to be provided by the Advertiser.
8. The last date for receiving the Art work is 15-Jan-2023. No artwork will be accepted later than this date even if the payment is made.
9. Please contact Mr. Dinesh on +91 9003950444 or southern.region@indianfoundry.org if you need any clarification.
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